OTRA park for truck drivers

The mobile companion to make drivers’ lives on the road easier

170+ verified truck safe & secure parkings bookable now

Discover the OTRA network of parkings
  • guaranteed parking spots

    A Selected Network
    Over 170 safe and secure parkings, truck washing, and tank cleaning providers all over Europe which services (restaurant, laundry, etc) and security level have been verified and selected by our team of experts

  • Barrier

    Real-time view on space availabilities
    The OTRA solution is integrated with parking area's infrastructure allowing a real-time view of parkings' availabilities. Parking spots can be booked beforehand, via your employer's account if it is an OTRA customer, or payable directly by you, with your own means to be refunded by your employer

  • truck driver comfort

    Guaranteed access and spots
    Thanks to integration of OTRA solutions with the infrastructure of the network partners, OTRA customers having pre-booked can seamlessly access & exit the network of parkings, automatically


4 simple steps to get a guaranteed parking spot

Download the application. Once your account is set up, you'll be able to make bookings directly. You work for a transport company? If they work with OTRA already, you'll be able to book spots on their account.

1. Download the OTRA Park Mobile app

Download and register to OTRA Park in Google Playstore, The Apple App store, or the Huawei App store.The OTRA Park app is available in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Romanian, Polish, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Hugarian, & Italian.

2. Consult parking details, prices and pictures

Consult all details you need about the parking : types of trucks accepted, opening hours, services available and pictures of the premises. All parkings have been checked by OTRA experts to ensure accuracy of descriptions provided.

3. Select a duration of stay and check places availability in real-time

OTRA is connected to parkings infrastructure and has a real-time view on available spaces. Bookings made are blocked in the parkings’ system to ensure the place you reserved is available at your arrival

4. Confirm and choose your payment method

Your can either choose to pay via your own means, for later reimbursement by the fleet company you work for, or, if the fleet company you work for is a customer of OTRA you can directly make bookings on their account.


Ready to book?

Download the OTRA Park application on the store of your choice